Jcraft Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd

China Releases New National Standard GB/T 41176-2021

The Standardization Administration of China has issued a national standard for professional sportswearski and snowboard wear GB/T 411762021. It was included in China’s No. 17 announcement of approved national standards in 2021 and will become effective on July 1, 2022.


This document is applicable to ski and snowboard wear for use in professional sports. It is 配图.jpgnot applicable to ski and snowboard wear for infants aged 36 months and less.

Terminology and definitions

Garments with a specially designed structure for skiing and snowboarding that are made from textile fabrics with water resistance, wind resistance and breath ability properties.

Product classification

According to the style design, it can be divided into either one piece ski and snowboard wear or two piece ski and snowboard wear.

According to the garment construction, it can be divided into single layer garments, single layer and lined garments and garments with filling materials.


Product quality includes construction requirements, internal quality, and appearance quality.

For internal quality, the test items include fiber content, formaldehyde content, pH value, odor, decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes, NPnEO, PFOS, PFOA, dimensional change after washing, down proof value, abrasion resistance, tear strength, seam slippage, seam force of trouser back crotch seam, color fastness of shell (color fastness to washing, color fastness to transfer in joints, color fastness to perspiration, color fastness to rubbing, color fastness to water, color fastness to light), color fastness of lining (color fastness to washing, color fastness to perspiration, color fastness to rubbing, color fastness to water), shell functionality (wind resistance, water resistance and water vapor transmission), appearance after washing.

The quality of filling materials shall comply with relevant national mandatory standards, and down filling material must comply with the provisions of 4.3.3 in GB/T 142722021.

Children’s products shall comply with the requirements in GB 31701.

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